Our Features

We would like to introduce our features to You.

One on One Classes

Interactive Classes are held personally for each student to ensure special attention to each of them. One on one class is considered as one of the most effective learning method. This gives the student a freedom to openly question the concepts and discuss his queries with the teacher without any embarrassment. This process of learning, therefore, helps them grasp the subject with more clarity.

High-Quality Videos

With a high video & audio streaming quality, we ensure that our students get the best out of each class. As the quality of videos is high, the student never feels detached from a classroom. Our video classes will give the students detailed attention and better experience than a conventional classroom.

Resource Wiki

The notes and the important concepts of each session will be compiled in the resource wiki for any future reference. This will come in handy as good reference material for the students during revisions and assignments. Students can access the resource wiki any time from anywhere.

Responsive Customer Support

We are promptly available for all your queries and we promise to get back to you with a solution soon. We understand your concerns about your child’s education, therefore we are readily available to guide you through any hapless situation. Our online classes are specially designed for your convenience where you can learn from home with the help of an experienced teacher.

Looking for a website? Let it be a company website or a portfolio one, we got you covered. Let’s talk about your requirements or something about that brewing web idea in your mind. 

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